Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sparkle gift for my fabulous friends!!!

Sparkle Gift for my Fabulous Friends!!!

I have THE PRESENT for you, to make the difference for a fabulous & adorable LOOK!!!

One of my favorite pairs of earrings! A sparkle gift for you or your friends! From today to 31th January you just have to:

  • Visit my blog.
  • Click the button ''DONATE'' !
  • Like & share the post

With every participation you donate 1 euro to children in need. The amount will be given for buying supplies ( food, shoes, clothes, toys etc.) for an asylum in Athens which housed infants and kids in preschool age. Everyone has an open invitation to join us and take part in the drive at 1th February.

Bring your best smile and a big hug and don’t forget to send pm to get details about our appointment.

You can take as many participations as you like! 


So, be generous and fabulous is my wish for you for

the new year!

Good luck everyone! 

